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Fiat X1/9 Spider Bosch Ignition Control Unit 0227100029

Fiat X19 Ignition control unit ECU
Up for sale
is a Working, in excellent condition Fiat 124 Bertone Spider Ignition module ECU. Part numbers listed at top. This unit is the original for most electronic ignition fuel injected Fiat Spiders, check your part number off your original to verify its the same. This is located under the right side vent panel of your engine bay. Price one of these new from Bosch, you will be stocked at the price, I discount this item 15X over a new Bosch unit.... I only sell the OEM
units, never aftermarket so they are the same quality as your original. These are usually quite
reliable, however they can be easily damaged by voltage spikes caused
by improper type spark plugs, very worn spark plugs, or a faulty
alternator. If this unit is faulty you will either have a no-start or
a random cutting off condition. If you have spark at the ignition coil, but no or intermittent spark at the plugs, this is usually the problem.These are only getting harder
to find as these cars get older, and this is an excellent value! These
are also always a good item to carry as an extra in the car everywhere
you go, as a defective unit can potentially stop the car from running.