Land Rover Range Rover 90 91 92 14 CUX ECM ECM Engine COMPUTER 85007A PRC7081

Land rover Ranger rover V8 ECU Control unit for sale is an 85007-A / PRC-7081
and should interchange with-
RANGE ROVER 90 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); from VIN 451518
RANGE ROVER 91-92 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); ID PRC7081
RANGE ROVER 91-92 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); ID PRC7081
RANGE ROVER 91-92 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); ID PRC8747
RANGE ROVER 91-92 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); ID PRC8747
RANGE ROVER 91-92 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); ID PRC9060
RANGE ROVER 91-92 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); ID PRC9060
RANGE ROVER 91-92 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); ID PRC9060R
RANGE ROVER 91-92 Elec Cont Unit (ECU); ID PRC9060R
Up for sale is a Working, in excellent condition Land rover Range rover V8 Engine Computer / ECU. . This came out of a 91 Range Rover classic. My list shows this fits many 80-92 year Land rover 8cyl cars. your best bet is to match the part number up with the unit you are replacing. This unit was removed from an insurance total crash damaged truck that still ran. As is typical for these, the case has a bit of corrosion however is clean internally. A faulty ECU is one of the primary causes of false check engine lights, intermittent no start or random cut out. Sometimes these will lose injector pulse (no fuel injector function / no start). They also sometimes lose the fuel pump relay turn on mosfet, which is a pretty common issue with these. They also often take on water damage due to their location under the driver seat. Price this at a dealer, and you will buy from me... You will be shocked at the price. This comes with a 30 day warranty. These units are very hard to find!