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Porsche 928 BEHR A/C Heater AC Climate Control Unit 9413941197 9418141002 92857306006

Up for sale is a good used Porsche 928 climate control. As you probably know, these are quite fragile and prone to breakage. Unit is in good physical condition, and was tested it before removal from the crash damaged 83 928. All shafts are in tact, gears work freely, all knobs are good - electric fan speed portion and all sliders are functional. This should still have some life left in it! This unit, although pictured WITH the temp knob, will come withOUT one - we needed one for a customer car it was out for service and this knob somehow went missing. - it is a non issue as you can just use your original knob, these never go wrong. - but I wanted to mention it.
Thanks for looking and good luck!